
Introspection and Beyond

About Me


My name is Alison and I live in Texas. I have a wonderful husband of 5 years this May 2008 named Bradley. We cannot have children (we have had 5 miscarriages) so we have kitties. I am a Christian and I am very involved in my community. In my spare time, I like to write (poems, stories, etc) and study biblical prophecy. I love older movies (between 1940’s through 1960’s) and I am a HUGE Sandra Dee fan. I like crooner music (though I don’t have any ‘crooner songs’ listed on my fav music page) and I enjoy going to amusement parks. I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts on many topics and seeing what everyone in this community is interested in. You can find out more about my favorite things in the tabs above and at my other blog here. Navigate around and let me know what you think. 

My husband and I have worked, volunteered, with a ministry called Understand The Times for almost 4 years. Some of you may have heard of Roger Oakland, he is the head of that ministry. For anyone interested, they have some really great materials (ie: books, cd’s, videos, etc.) for understanding the truth of some controversial topics as well as being able to witness to others regarding those topics.

Most of our (Bradley and mine) ministry efforts have been on-line through emails, forums, e-newsletters, etc. though we do try to witness and minister to others in person.

Bradley and I have gotten involved in our city government on a small level to try and keep a moral standard in our community, however, as politics go… that is not always obtainable by a minority… but we try. In this, being the end days, we can only expect what the Bible tells us it will be like before Christ returns for His Church, but we pray and follow through the best that we can until that day comes.

You can find out more about Bradley at his blog: Outside My Brain Again

12 Responses to “About Me”

  1. john said

    I have linked to your well written article via my blog.

  2. G. Crowell said

    Dear Alison,
    You mentioned about not being able to have children. My wife and I (Risa) share the same problem, we are unable to have children too. There aren’t too many people who understand. We do and share the pain and sorrow, but rejoice in the fact that God will restore all things in the kingdom of heaven. BTW, great blog, enjoy it.
    Your brother and sister in Christ.
    Gary & Risa

    • truthoughts said

      Thank you Gary & Risa for your comment. I am so sorry to hear about you also having troubles in that area. I agree with what you have said about God. =D Thank you also for the compliment. I pray that the peace of the Lord, wrap you and your lovely wife with comfort and strength in His grace and that your reliance upon Him will grow both your relationship with Him and also with each other. Please give Risa a hug from us… we understand. You both are in our prayers.

      Many thanks and love in Christ Jesus,

  3. Joseph Moriarty said


    I heard about this site yesterday and will be looking forward to sharing ideas (inspired only by the Holy Spirit that is) with you. Daughter of the Lord Most High, consider the blessings that we do have as children of his and do not give the devil a foot hold in any part of your life. The Lord Jesus Christ needs us to be standing firm on his foundation in these dark times and to be foot ready for his Will to be accomplished working through us.

    Only in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,


    • truthoughts said


      Thank you so much for your patience in my response. I really appreciate your comment. I am so glad to finally have a computer to work on again. So much has been going on around the world since I have been off line and it has been difficult to just “sit back” and not be able to share thoughts on it all from a biblical perspective for whomever might be searching. Thank you again for your comment.

      Sincerely In Christ Jesus,

  4. Crystal Spence said

    Hi Alison,

    I am so thankful for finding your website. I just wanted to say God bless you and those you love. The internet is a great way to tell others about the gospel, rapture, tribulation, etc. I am on facebook. Are you also on there too? I would like to add you as a friend if you are on there. I also post alot of notes things about Jesus returning, rapture, tribulation, mark of the beast. I pray more people take heed and be ready for Jesus
    return. I also post videos from you tube to let others know about it. I see the signs of end times as it says in Matthew 24:7 about earthqukes happening first Haiti, Chile, Turkey, Indoniesa, and China.. so many things are taking place now. It seems Jesus will return anytime. I hope its alright for me to tell others about your website. God bless and have a great day!

    Respectfully yours in Christ,

    Crystal Spence

    • truthoughts said


      Thank you so much for your encouraging comment. I am on Facebook

      You are so right that the internet is a great place to tell many about the Lord and His soon return. We can reach so many more then we would just by word of mouth/person to person/face to face. May all things be to His glory!

      I look forward to your friend request Crystal. Have a blessed day and keep up the great work… btw, you can tell everyone about my site and anything that I post here. =) Thanks again Crystal!

      Sincerely In Christ,

  5. Eric Estes said

    Hello Allison, I’m Eric and I just wanted to add some thoughts about the rapture on Pentecost. The rapture of the Christian church occurring on Pentecost makes perfect since to me. A brilliant scholar also points out that the rapture of the church is also seen in Song of Solomon 2:10-13. He notes that this is late spring, early summer, more than likely between May and June. Notice the condition of the fig tree in verse 13 at the time of the rapture. To date, I’ve never read or heard of any other scholar mentioning these particular verses to describe the rapture of the christian church. God bless you in your ministry.


  6. hello alison:

    My name is Margaret and i am a born again Christian and am not sure if i will make the rapture. please pray for me. I do have Multiple sclerosis and emphysema and am age 53 a college graduate from Fullerton College. please tell your husband Bradly that the video I posted in was dancing girls at a Marchiachi band in enseneday, Mexico in 2007. I was celebrating my 50th birthday on a 3 day cruise I took with royal Caribbean that year. we toured downtown Enseneda and reboarded the ship. I enjoyed the cruise and the downtown tour. they had delicious food.

    Please keep me in prayer.

    thanks and god Bless you,

    Margaret Farris
    mfarris57able in

    • truthoughts said


      I appreciate your comment here. Why do you believe you may not make the rapture? Is it because you think that you may pass on before that or because of some other reason? I will surely keep you in my prayers.

      Many blessings,

  7. terry said

    Wow, five little one are waiting for you and your husband in Heaven. Continue with the writting. Here is a tracy thompson, see to have ears from God.

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