
Introspection and Beyond

A Compelling Date to Watch

Posted by truthoughts on May 8, 2011

I was doing some research on Israel’s Anniversaries and came across something that may be of significance. Now, before I go any further, please understand that I am NOT predicting ANYTHING… I am merely pointing out an interesting bit of research that I think is significant enough to share for your consideration.

Okay, here goes…

We know that Israel’s Independence Day by the Hebrew calendar correlates to our Gregorian calendar of May 9th – May 10th. Well, I was wondering when the anniversary was for their 6 Day War… This took more time to research than you can imagine but the results are quite interesting in this year of 2011.

What I found was that Israel’s 6 Day War Anniversary for 2011 is on June 3rd – June 4th (as they consider a day from sunset the day before to sunset of the calendar day, just as the Bible states).

Well here is the interesting thing to consider… Ascension Day, when the Lord Jesus went to Heaven as the disciples looked on and were told by the angle that He would return in the same way) lands this year on June 2nd – June 3rd.

So, in a way… they could be considered the same day as Israel considers days being that IF it were the rapture day… I did say IF!

That could mean that the Church’s ascension COULD BE in the morning of June 3rd and the 6 Day War anniversary be the same Gregorian calendar day of June 3rd but after sunset.

Remember that I am NOT predicting ANYTHING… I am just pointing out an interesting fact that could or may not be anything at this point. I just wanted to share this with you for your consideration.

Another point to ponder is that some believe Ascension Day to also be the separation of the end of the barley harvest and the beginning of the wheat harvest. This may be significant to those who believe the Church is the first fruits of the barley harvest and the 144,000 being the wheat harvest.

Again, this is just for you to ponder and consider… I am NOT predicting ANYTHING.


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